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Scuba diving in the Philippines.Night dive in Dauin with Sea ExplorersMore on http://www.zesea.com/Zeblog/voyages-plongee/plongee-philippines-visayas/© Anthony...
Scuba diving trip in Dauin (Philippines), in the region of the Visayas.Diving with Sea Explorers.More on http://www.zesea.com/Zeblog/voyages-plongee/plongee-phi...
Scuba diving in the Philippines. Cabilao, a little island in the Visayas, with great coral reefs !More on http://www.zesea.com/Zeblog/voyages-plongee/plongee-ph...
Scuba Diving in Palawan, Philippines...
Scuba Diving in Puerto Galera Philippines...